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Sinus Augmentation

Sinus augmentation, also known as sinus lift or sinus graft, is a surgical procedure designed to increase the amount of bone in the upper jaw, specifically in the area of the molars and premolars. This procedure is typically performed when there is not enough bone height in the upper jaw or the sinuses are too close to the jaw for dental implants to be placed.

 Bone grafting, ny

Why Sinus Augmentation is Necessary
Insufficient Bone Height: The maxillary sinus is located above the upper jaw, and in some cases, there may not be enough bone height between the sinus and the jaw to support a dental implant. This lack of bone can be due to natural anatomy, long-term tooth loss, or bone resorption after tooth extraction.
Sinus Proximity: In some individuals, the maxillary sinus may be too close to the upper jaw, limiting the available bone height for implant placement. Without enough bone, implants cannot be securely anchored.
Types of Sinus Augmentation
Indirect Sinus Lift (Crestal Approach):
This minimally invasive approach is used when there is some bone height available, but not enough to place an implant. A small hole is made in the jawbone through the site where the implant will be placed. The sinus membrane is gently lifted, and bone graft material is inserted into the space. The implant may be placed simultaneously, depending on the amount of bone height present.
Direct Sinus Lift (Lateral Window Approach): This is the more common and traditional method used when there is very little bone height available. A small window is created in the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus, allowing access to the sinus membrane. The membrane is carefully lifted, and the space is filled with bone graft material. The window is then closed, and the bone is allowed to heal and integrate over several months before placing the implant.

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