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Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatment is a preventive dental procedure that helps to strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay (cavities). It involves the application of fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, directly to the teeth. Fluoride works by remineralizing the tooth enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth.

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Types of Fluoride

Topical Fluoride: Applied directly to the teeth via toothpaste, mouth rinses, or professional treatments. This type helps to strengthen existing teeth and repair early stages of decay.
Systemic Fluoride: Ingested through water, supplements, or certain foods and beverages. This type is beneficial during tooth development in children, strengthening teeth before they emerge.


Prevents Tooth Decay: Fluoride helps to prevent cavities by making the tooth enamel more resistant to acids produced by plaque and sugars.
Remineralizes Enamel: It aids in the remineralization process, repairing the early stages of tooth decay even before cavities form.Helps in Childhood Development: For children, fluoride is crucial in the development of strong, healthy teeth. It can reduce the risk of decay in both baby and permanent teeth.

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